Fortnitemares: Barely Getting the Win
Solo game highlights and a lucky victory royale.
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Solo game highlights and a lucky victory royale.
Last player goes out with a bang in this solo win.
Eliminations from a quick Fortnitemares win.
Highlights from my first time playing the new Fortnitemares mode.
Full Market (Push) game with 59 kills and 20 deaths.
Full Siege (Push) game with 58 kills and 13 deaths.
Full Station (Push) game with 48 kills and 17 deaths.
Got a free kill and some funny game physics when this player blacked out mid-flight.
Squadmate gets the last second revive on me and I immediately return the favor with my MP 40.
Had a flashback to Private Jackson in Saving Private Ryan after I hit these shots and was blown away by the stationary cannon.