Battlefield 5: Threading the Needle
Taking down the mounted machine gun with a well placed shot.
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Taking down the mounted machine gun with a well placed shot.
Flanked the high ground and shot down three enemies before they could react.
Hitting some quick shots to prevent our tank from being blown to Kingdom Come.
Didn’t stick the landing, but points for effort.
Broadcasted live on Twitch
Full Tell (Push) game with 66 kills and 15 deaths.
After failing to open garage and losing 3 teammates, I have to retake the basement from the 2nd floor. I recover the defuser with my last teammate, but he dies soon after. Leaving me in a 1v3 against Lesion, Mira and Jager.
Got the Ace defending Villa’s 2nd floor trophy/statuary rooms with Bandit. Round starts with a fast push from Ash and Buck on opposite sides of the bomb sites. Teammates get wiped out leaving me against Zofia, Blitz and Hibana.
Full Siege (Push) game with 73 kills and 23 deaths.
Full Buhriz (Push) game with 52 kills and 11 deaths.